
We are presently at the launching stage of our new barrel lifting tool. This compact, lightweight solution offers unrivalled performance and advantages, including: Safer operating…


The Company

Founded in 2006 in the City of Saguenay, Quebec, Canada, ECB Novatech Inc. was born from an original idea formulated by the company’s major shareholder, Mr. Laval Emond. As a long-term supplier of goods and services to large Canadian companies such as Alcan, Hydro-Québec, Niobec Mines, and Troilus Inmet, Mr. Emond realized that the customary barrel lifting equipment used by his clients was not equal to the task.

After two years of research and development, and following numerous in-plant tests, the CRAB lifting equipment (international patent pending) was launched in January 2006 and quickly become an essential lifting tool in a wide array of businesses and organizations.

Despite its young existence, ECB Novatech Inc. is in a position to compete internationally in the field of barrel lifting equipment. ECB Novatech Inc. has established an infrastructure that guarantees unwavering reliability while promoting flexibility, creativity, and innovation. Over the next few years, we are looking to develop other high-performance industrial tools, enabling companies to make the most of their financial assets and human capital.

Welcome to ECB Novatech Inc.


View our video presentation.

Cost-effectiveLightVersatileSafe5S System

“My name is Fabien Gaudreault, and I have been working in the field of hazardous substance management for many years. When I discovered the CRAB, I had been searching for a portable single-operator barrel lifting tool, i.e. one that could be used by the operator of any given lifting machine. Indeed, every lifting tool available on the market is based on the same principle;…
- Fabien Gaudreault - Troilus Inmet
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